This page documents my residency with the Tweedsmuir Community Company from May 2022 until the completion of the Crook Inn artwork in November 2022. The residency brief was to run a variety of events for all members of the community in Tweedsmuir, regardless of their previous artistic experience, intended to allow them to reflect upon the area in which they live in a creative way. The goal was that with the help of the artist in residence the community would design and create an artwork to enclose the community owned Crook Inn pending its renovation.
Above left shows the road elevation. The community decided to base this aspect of the artwork upon the art deco elements of the architecture at the Crook Inn. The writing is taken from the nineteenth century popular ballad ‘Jeannie o’ the Crook’ in which the Kirk minister of Broughton tried to court the landlady of the Crook Inn through verse.
Above right shows the car park elevation. The community decided to create a textual artwork which represents, what, they feel, is important about their community to visitors. Words in blue reference water, which is important to the community and its sense of place, representing the Tweed which runs through the community and the artwork. Text in green refers to place names, whilst writing in orange draws attention to the culture of the area.